
วันอังคารที่ 21 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

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Advise for me

เฮ่อ ... ไม่ได้อยกจะแอ๊กอะไรมากมายหรอกนะครับ แค่เบื่อๆ ไม่มีอะไรทำ ก้อเลยพยายามใช้เวลาว่างให้เป็นประโยชน์ ฮ่าๆ ประมาณว่าคนว่างงานนะครับ อิ อิ
จริงๆแล้วก้ออยากทำไรที่มันสร้างสรรค์ ลองหาประสบการณ์เรื่อยๆ ลองผิดลองถูก จากคนที่ไม่ค่อยมีประสปการณ์ (ไร้ประสบการณ์) จนถึงเดี๋ยวนี้ ก็พอจะมีประสบการณ์อยู่บ้าง จากที่ไม่เคยได้ทำงาน ตอนนี้ ก็ได้ทำงานแล้ว อิ อิ (แบบว่า... ไม่รู้จะขึ้นต้นบทความยังไงดี ก็เลยพิมพิ์ไปเรื่อยเปื่อย) เอาเป็นว่าขอแนะนำตัวก่อนเลยละกันนะครับ แล้วจะได้เล่าเรื่องราวอื่นๆ ได้เท่าที่จำ และที่ไม่อยากจำ เอ๊ะ !!! ยังไง คนเขียน เริ่ม "งง" เอง ฮ่าๆๆ
ผมชื่อ Mr. Paslee Yusoh
ที่อยู่ 69/3 Moo.4 Tambol. Lahan,Amphor. Saiburi, Pattani, Thailand 94110
สถานะภาพ โสด (Single)
ชีวิต...ไม่มีอะไรที่แน่นอนจริงๆครับ... จากเด็กบ้านนอกคนนึง ตอนนี้ก็ยังคงเป็นเด็กบ้านนอกคนเดิม แม้อาจจะเปลี่ยนสถานที่ในการดำเนินชีวิตไปตามกาลเวลา ก็มีหลายๆสิ่งหลายๆอย่างที่เปลี่ยนแปลงหรือแตกต่างไปจากเดิม ซึ่งหลายๆคนก็อาจจะปฏิเสธกันไม่ได้ อย่างเช่น... อายุ ก็เพิ่มจากเดิมไปปีละ 1 แต้ม รวมๆกันแล้วก็เกือบจะครึ่งชีวิตเข้าไปแล้ว (ตามอายุไข) แต่ชีวิตก็เหมือนกับสายลม ที่หวิวไปและก็หวิวมา...ยังไม่มีที่มั่นคง ยังคงต้องดินรนตู่สู้ชีวิตไป... วันแล้ววันเล่า...หรือที่เรียกกันว่าเป็น มนุษย์เงินเดือน อย่างงั้นแหล่ะ เพราะจากที่คำนวญดูแล้ว ยังคงชูคอไม่ขึ้น ต้องตรากตรำเป็นลูกจ้างเขาไปอีกนานพอสมควร เฮ่อ...คิดแล้วเศร้าอยู่ไม่น้อย ใครที่ทำงานเป็นลูกจ้าง คงจะเข้าใจดี
ผมเป็นคนที่มีเพื่อนน้อย...ไม่รู้เป็นเพราะไม่มีใครอยากคบ หรือว่าไม่อยากคบใครก็ไม่รู้ ถ้าลองได้คบใครแล้ว ก็คบแบบจริงจังนะครับ มีร้อยก็เต็มร้อย แต่เพื่อนที่ซี้ ...หรือสนิทกันจริงๆก็เป็นสมัยเรียนมัธยมต้นถึงเพื่อนสมัยเรียนมัธยมปลาย... เรียนเล่นด้วยกัน มีกิจกรรมกลุ่มมากมาย ซึ่งแตกต่างจากตอนที่เรียนมหาลัย ที่เวลาส่วนใหญ่เราต้องหาเพื่อเรียนรู้เอง มีเพื่อนบ้างเล็กน้อย บางครั้งก็แทบจะไม่มีเลย มีเพื่อนในห้องเรียนที่ปะปนกันไป ไม่ค่อยจะซ้ำหน้า แล้วจะหาซื้หรือสนัทกันก็คงไม่กี่คน ว฿งยากมากที่จะกาให้เข้ากับนิสัยเราได้ เฮ่อ... คิดๆแล้ว เพื่อนสมัยมหาลัยไม่มีสนิทกันซ๊ากกกก...คน น่าอนาถแท้
คิดถึงเพื่อนๆสมัยมัธยม...ที่ผมเรียนที่ โรงเรียนสายบุรีอิสลามวิทยา ตอนนี้ไม่รู้เพื่อนๆเป็นยังไงกันบ้าง มีครอบครัวกันหมดแล้วหรือยัง หรือว่า... มีแต่เราที่ยังคงโสดอยู่ ช่วยไม่ได้เนอะ... ยังหาเนื้อคู่ไม่เจอ เอ๊ะ..หรือว่า ต้องรอให้เนื้อคู่เป็นฝ่ายหาเราดี ฮ่าๆๆ ๕๕๕
ปัจจุบันก็เป็นลูกจ้างเขานั่นแหล่ะครับ ทำงานที่บริษัทอิงเกรสออโต้เวนเจอร์ จำกัด (อิสเทิร์นซีบอร์ด ระยอง) ทำงานที่นี่ก็นานพอสมควร แค่ไม่กี่ปี ปีนี้ก็เข้าปีที่ 5 แล้ว ก็ยังคงเดิมๆ หลังที่จากออกจากรั้ว มหาวิทยาลัยสยาม สาขาวิศวะคอมฯ ก็ทำงานที่นี่เป็นที่แรก และก็คงจะเป็นที่สุดท้าย ก่อนจะกลับไปผจญภัยกับลูกระเบิดที่บ้านเกิดเมืองนอน (ปัตตานี) ฮ่าๆๆ ๕๕๕ วางแผนไว้คงจะเป็นปลายๆ ปี จะว่าไปแล้วทำงานที่นี่ ก้ได้อะไรหลายๆอย่าง รู้สึกว่าเป็นผู้ใหญ่ขึ้น.. อิ อิ (อย่างอื่นเท่าเดิมไม่มีไรใหญ่นะ) หลายๆปัญหาที่เจอะเจอมาตลอดระยะเวลา 5 ปี ล้มลุกคลุกคลาน จนบางครั้งถึงขนาดต้องทุ่มเทกับงานมากจนเกินไป จนได้ฉายา ผีเฝ้าโรงงาน ก็คงไม่แปลกทำงานเกือบ 24 ชั่วโมงต่อวัน ทำไงได้ไม่มีใครเข้าใจเราดีเท่ากับตัวเราเอง (หัวหน้ายังไม่เข้าใจเราเลย) แต่ถ้าใครได้ลองอยู่และทำงานเกี่ยวกับ ระบบ SAP (Systems, Applications and Products in Data Processing") ก็คงไม่แตกต่างอะไรจากผม ยิ่งถ้าได้อยู่ Module PP ด้วยแล้วละก็ คงไมได้กลับบ้านกลับช่องกันหรอกนะ เขาจะให้ฉายาผีเฝ้าโรงงานอีกคน ก็อย่าไปซีเรียสละกัน !! หึ หึ แต่ถ้าบริษัทไหนเขา Suport เต็มที่ในเรื่องของทรัพยากรบุคคล ก็คงจะไม่มีปัญหาอะไร สาธุ ... อยากให้บริษัทนี้ตาสว่างซะที กำลังไม่มีแล้วววววคร๊าบบบบ !!!
*** ทำงานต่อก่อนนะ ไว้จะมาต่อวันหน้า !!! คิๆ เจ้านายมาทำงานแร่ะ เป็นไปได้ไงเนี๊ยะ เจ้านายเข้างานบ่ายโมง ha ha ha ***
ขอขอบคุณกำลังใจสำคัญที่สุด : Suhailan Masor และ จ้าว กอแก้ว เพื่อนซี้ตลอดกาล!!

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Ipod Can Aid Exercise

How Your Ipod Can Aid Exercise

By: Roberto Sedycias

Modern living has become much more technology based and sedentary, with virtual entertainment being the most popular pastime of choice. This has obvious effects upon health and the world has startling increasing obesity levels. Although technology is not to blame, rather than the people who choose to use it, more could be done to integrate technological entertainment into a more active lifestyle. The iPod is redressing this balance with the addition to its available accessories of the Nike iPod Sports Kit.

Research has consistently shown that listening to music improves mood, and the most recent findings suggest that music actually gives a cognitive boost. Listening to music during exercise improves most people`s performance in a number of ways. Music provides an encouraging rhythm which synchronizes with the movement during exercise, and which helps push further. It also distracts from event. The iPod has already helped many sports enthusiasts to enjoy their regime more fully, but now the iPod can offer some real assistance.

The Nike iPod Sports Kit consists of two elements; a music player and a pedometer. These two items have been important for the runner for a long time, but the iPod version has many additional features. The device works as follows; a sensor fits into the sole of a specially designed Nike + shoe. The receiver is plugged into the iPod Nano which has the battery power, the memory and all required software installed. The sensor detects footfall like any other pedometer, and sends the information through transmitted radio waves. Each device has its own unique code and so even if there a few runners using the iPod accessory, only your information will be received. Another clever feature is that different sensors can be used on a single devie, so more than one person can benefit.

The real beauty of the Nike iPod Sports Kit is the extent of the information transmitted. It sends to the device the number of calories burned, but also calculates speed using equations which consider foot fall and the amount of time the foot is spent on the floor. Other information provided to the mp3 mp4 player device includes distance and comparative statistics to previous performances. Goals can be set on the software and the results will state how your performance compared to your goals. In addition to this, the device allows you to create play lists for your workout.

Although the level of information is excellent, it is easy to read whilst working out. The iPod Sports Kit come with a click wheel which acts as a control whilst running. The information is not just stored on the screen, but is also provided by a computerized voice system. The device is easy to use overall, with the required software already installed in the latest models, with the software available to download for older iPod`s through the online update feature.

Once the workout is complete, the statistics can be stored on a computer. There is then the option to join a huge online iPod community where information uploaded from the device can be shared with other runners. This can be helpful for goal setting and to set challenges. Running enthusiasts can compare information, and even share routes with an innovative mapping function. This additional feature of services gives an excellent social dimension to an often lone sport. It is amazing that this can be done online.

Overall the benefits of the Nike iPod Sports Kit include advanced equipment which combines two important elements for sport; music and information. The device is lightweight, compact and the software is top of the range. It helps improves health, through enjoyment and factual assistance, and is available for all users despite the age of their model.

The only real disadvantage is the fact that there is much apparatus needed which can be costly. The basic requirements are an iPod Nano, the Sports Kit and the Nike + shoes. Although other shoes can be bought that have a pouch for the sensor, these use a different angle so do not achieve the same results. The other point worth noting is that the iPod Sports kit requires the user to have a good understanding of computers to get the full benefit.

This article is under GNU FDL license and can be distributed without any previous authorization from the author. However the author's name and all the URLs (links) mentioned in the article and biography must be kept.

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Is Math Worth the Sacrifice

Is Math Worth the Sacrifice
By: Robert Duval

For ages and ages, the complaint has been "Is there any necessity to learn mathematics? I'll never use it in the practical world. My desire is to be a fireman or a cowboy or a news reader and they will never need to know what a number is. Technology makes it even more difficult. The varied arrays of electronic devices that are available for the public make the idea of playing around with mathematical calculations even less enticing.
Does it make any sense the effort that implies the memorization of formulas and procedures when the only thing you need to do is to punch in a symbol to receive a digital answer to the math question?
There are some different answers to the question and all of them require some maturity to understand. It is obvious that no one likes to memorize just for the sake of memorizing; however starting with basics is the start of most fields of learning. It is possible that reversing the way facts are presented might do much toward helping students to understand why the study of math can be helpful.
The first reason why math studies are helpful is that they force the student to read and understand the question or problem. The student learns to organize their thinking in order to understand the true dimensions of the problem. The best knowledge given by formulas will not tell you how to apply it.
For that, you need to be able to train your thinking to recognize the important elements of a situation and secondly to understand how to apply known facts or procedures in order to find the answer to the question. This new found understanding, obtained from the practice in figuring out the parameters in a math problem also contributes in other fields of study.
In addition to learning how to organize your thinking due to math, you will also be forced to come to understand the meaning of the formulas, in terms of knowing how to apply them. In short, unless you really understand something about the mechanisms of math, you won't have any idea how to enter numbers into a computer.
In fact, the actual calculation made with the aid of an electronic device can be simply of no use if we don’t know how to interpret it, or how to apply it. And this applies not only to relatively meaningless calculations but to calculations that have consequences in our lives.
For instance, we can use a calculator to compute a mortgage payment based on the current interest rate and term of the loan, but the result canl be meaningless if we don’t understand the mechanics of the calculation.
This problem is faced by educators all around the globe. Standardized tests show a dramatic fall in the math understanding of our students and the tendency doesn’t seem to get any signs of getting reverted in the short-run. Teachers are criticized for not trying to go a little bit further, and maybe this criticism is not justified, because this decline is part of a deeper tendency.

O2 XDA Trion

O2 XDA Trion Quad Band Bluetooth PDA Cellular Phone
Product Description
The O2 XDA Trion 3G Microsoft Windows Mobile 5.0 based Pocket PC phone, with its compact size and ultimate connectivity, is truly the complete mobile office solution.

The sliding keyboard makes it even easier to type your emails and messages on the go. With the excellent 2 megapixel camera and secondary camera for video calling, staying in contact has never been simpler.

Music and pictures can also be easily synchronised, so you have them with you wherever you are. With the world at your fingertips, the O2 XDA Trion makes on-the-move business a real pleasure.

Shp. Weight 0.70 kg Network UMTS / GSM Quad Band Dimensions 113x58x22 mm Weight in g 160 SAR in W/kg Display Type TFT, 65K colors Display Size 240x320 pixels, 42x57 mm Touchscreen Yes Memory in MB 64 RAM, 128 ROM Card Slot mini SD Slot

Watch Movies on Ipod

Watch Movies On The Go With Your Video Ipod Movie Player
By: Korbin Newlyn

With Apple Computers most recent evolution of their venerable iPod, music, movies, as well as TV programs are now all portable enough to take with you whenever you want and can be listened to through your iPod portable speaker or through headphones.However, the enthusiasm may be lessened somewhat due to issues such as ergonomics, compatibility, and movie selection. Despite the fact that you have the ability to watch downloadable movies with your iPod, it may become somewhat uncomfortable for long periods of time.

Considering that one criticism (however minor) typical to most reviews is it can sometimes be very uncomfortable to have to hold the video iPod in an upright position while viewing a TV program. Most television dramas are roughly 1 hour long, however how many people really wish to spend two hours or more viewing movies on your iPod? Likely not many.

However, it is most certainly ideal in short periods of time, and you have the option to break up these sessions into a 30 minute segments to solve any discomfort issues while viewing movies on your iPod. It's that or you will need to switch hands of whole lot.

Portability Versus Compatibility

An additional consideration that needs to be taken into account is the fact that depending on the format of the file, your movies in your iPod may not be compatible. The safest road to take to solve any compatibility issues is to downloading movies through iTunes.

Additionally, there may be several other issues to take into consideration when you start to download movies to use on your iPod. Including iTunes, there are at least a couple of movie download sites. However, the service that has been initially offered at these sites have been rather average at best.

Individuals have had complaints when it comes to long download times, even though they may have high-speed internet connections. Another similar issue with movies that are downloaded is the image quality can be poor at times.

Numerous customers who frequent these sites have also had complaints about less than acceptable pictures that are below DVD quality, and various movies also display artifacts on the screen (or monitor).

The majority of downloadable movies are just as expensive as their DVD counterparts yet do not have many of the extras that the majority of individuals have come to expect. The odds are that if you have a movie that is downloaded, you will not receive any bonuses such as photo galleries, commentaries etc..

As challenging as these different issues may be, the technology is emerging. If you can get by the fact that there is still some issues with movies that are downloaded, your iPod can be your most useful mobile device on a plane or a crowded bus.

Even the possibility of having your hands cramp and having a less-than-perfect picture, at the moment there is no greater convenience of having the ability to carry all your movies along with you regardless of where your destination may be.

Article Source:
Korbin Newlyn is an expert in the field of electronics. If you would like to learn more go to iPod Accessories and at iPod Nanos

วันพุธที่ 8 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

02XDA atom mobile phone

02XDA atom mobile phone


once again, the entire Test Center came to a standstill because of the arrival of a single product. When the 02 XDA Atom Life came in, everyone just abandoned their work and huddled around to watch excitedly as the wrapping was torn off and we opened the box to review it!The Atom Life enters the Indian market as part of 02's new strategy to divide its five main product segments: performance, lifestyle, messaging, hybrids, and smartphones. The products in each segment have feature sets appropriate for their target market. This device fits into the lifestyle category with its good looks and multimedia capabilities. Speaking at its launch in Mumbai recently, 02 Asia Pacific and the Middle East CEO, Mark Billington, stated that the Atom Life is a PDA that will power the user both at work and play. We decided to put this claim to test.Packed with Features


The 02 XDA Atom Life is a tri-band GSM 900/1800/1900 phone with GPRS and EDGE capabilities. The built-in Wi-Fi functionality makes it an excellent device to check e-mail on the go. GPS (Global Positioning System) navigation is not built in, but it's possible to add an external receiver. The Atom Life is 3G capable—the front-mounted VGA camera makes video calling simplistic In-call voice reception is nice and deanThe Atom Life runs on Windows Mobile 5, so mobile versions of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel are included. These applications ens that your work won't suffer no matter where you are. Other preinstalled applications include 02 AutoConfig, 02 Autolnstall, 02 Connect, 02 MediaPlus. 02 SMSPIus, and 02 PhonePlus, which make the phone economically strong. 02 Connect offers access to software updates via a GPRS connection, while 02 MediaPlus allows you to access all your stored music, videos, and photos from a single interface. You can use PocketMSN to access your Hotmail account and chat with your contacts through MSN Messenger. The Internet Explorer makes browsing the web a breeze. There's also a mobile version of Windows Media Player 10. And to round off the package, there is Microsoft ActiveSync to connect the Atom Life to your PC.The Atom Life is powered by an Irte XScale PXA 270 processor running at a mind-blowing 624 MHz. We were impressed by the capabilities of this processor, which was able to multitask and run heavy applications without am hiccups. It features 64 MB RAM and 1GB of internal flash memory. A MiniSD card slot for expanding the memory is located on the top of the phone.Camera


The 2 megapixel camera takes decent pictures with resolutions ranging from 80x60 to 1600x1200. An LED strobe flash and a self-portrait mirror are also built in.Shaping the MasterpieceAt first glance, the Atom Life looks like any other 02 model, but look closely and you'll see a few subtle differences. The device's glossy black plasticscreen is the in-call speaker grille, which also houses status lights—green for standby, red for charging, and blue to show that Bluetooth is switched on. Volume controls are on the left, and the camera and record buttons are on the right. Keys on the front panel include call accept and reject controls, two soft and media player shortcut keys.The Atom Life weighs 145 grams which is quite light for a PDA. Its slick form makes it a true style statement.Chinks in the Shining Armour


02 markets the Atom Life as a PDA that doubles up as a multimedia device. Even though it has SRS-WOW surround speakers, the volume levels could have been higher. The glossy black plastic finish is prone to fingerprints and smudges, and the chrome plating— especially around the stylus holder slot—wears out easily with heavy use. The 2.7-inch LCD screen might look good at first, but it isn't the clearest wehave seen. Team this up with terrible viewing angles and you have real disappointment on your hands. The quality of still and video photography is also below average. Verdict


The 02 Xda Atom Life is a brilliant device, and a great solution for all your business and multimedia needs. There's a chance that you might find it a little confusing to handle initially but once you get the hang of it, organizing your daily schedules and carrying out vital daily tasks will become very convenient. Also, the enhanced multimedia functions make the Atom Life a pleasure to work with. The elegant shape ensures that you are carrying a guaranteed style statement in your pocket. As the maufacturers said—the Xda Atom Life surely does power you at work and play!